As you breathe, you are constantly being reborn.
A never-ending process of reliving, rediscovering, and
reconnecting with your soul.
Endless fall and revival.
Only you can find peace within yourself at your own pace.
You owe it to yourself to find healing and hope every time.
Seeking My Own Truth
The world does not revolve around anyone, as I learned the hard way.
Most of the time, we believe we are at the epicenter
of the turn of events or situation in which we find ourselves.
Because of what we see, hear, or feel.
But, in reality, it preoccupied us with our own issues and insecurities.
I'm not completely numb; I'm just a human being,
but I'm becoming more self-aware.
External noises do not define us.
We are the only ones who have access to our own truth.
We can only share the surface of ourselves,
but that outer layer protects us.
Nobody knows our deepest selves better than ourselves, and
we are still discovering them on our own.
"There is your truth, and there is my truth. As for universal truth, it does not exist."
My Liberation Notes
Liberation entails addressing your self-issues
and releasing your true self.
Issues that run deep in your foundation.
Your ultimate core would be to lay a solid foundation.
Life is bearable as long as you stay true to yourself.
Sticking to yourself and falling in love with yourself
will get you through life.
I remember always conveying “keep in touch” to those whom I value.
But then life happens, and the more you learn, the more complicated it becomes.
You realize that everything changes, people come and go, and nothing is certain.
That is extremely difficult for me to accept.
I always try to be open and honest with the people I care about and trust.
So I want to keep that relationship alive.
I find it difficult to let go because of the efforts and time invested.
However, this causes even more heartbreak.
It's just that relationships evolve over time.
And everyone deserves the love they keep giving.
I will always be as vulnerable and transparent as I can be.
But I am learning to set boundaries to protect my core for my own good.
Having a healthy connection is what I need.
It's totally okay to let go of things that don't work for me.
Keeping your distance and being silent means you are protecting your core self.
Slow Down
As the title implies, that's been my life lately. Slowing down to see clearly. At first, silence makes me feel out of place. Because it was so loud before, I cannot hear myself.
So when it's been too quiet for so long, all the unsettled things deep in me resurface. It hit me; I don't know myself too well, not a bit. TI was blinded by the rose-colored glasses I kept putting on to fit in.
I was trying so hard to keep walking on this "normal road" everyone is expected to take on. Then I start blaming myself when things don't work out.
But what's really normal? What's being different? There are no definite answers.
Rekindling My Relationship With Life
Hello! What's up?
It seems like an eternity since I sat down and took the time to write and get to know myself. But I'm working on regaining control of things so that I can support myself. Yes, I'm rekindling my relationship with life as I should.
It's been so long that I've lost track of my train of thought. It knocked me. It's a never-ending loophole that repeats and shuffles itself just when I think I'm over it. Until I fell and hit my head on the ground again.
But I'm trying to breathe again; I've been struggling to do so the entire time. I'm reopening the curtains and rekindling with life in the same way that my inner child's heart sees the rainbow in it.