Eve's Letter : Yearning for My Youth

Yearning for My Youth

One thing that has been circling my mind every time I stare at nothing, when my soul appears to be lost and wandering in unknown places. An epiphany that struck me on the spur of the moment made me realize, for who knows why and how, that all this time I've been grieving my old self.

I didn't have time to think about it because life happens in seconds, and for all I know, I was longing for my old self every time it vanished as time passed. Maybe we have unfinished business with our old selves, and it's haunting and hurting our present selves. 
It took me a long time to realize that what really stings is what's on the inside.

Most of the time, we focus on the external forces that cause us to be angry, but we must also consider our internal forces. There are many factors to consider, but bruises from our youth, which we carry with us, primarily caused it as we grow older. Because we are longing for the past, we are betraying our present.




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ET-BREATHES.BLOGSPOT.COM is an outlet for the writer to document her journey. She expresses herself through art and writing. She hopes to reach out by sharing her story. E.T. - could stand for the writer's initials or an extraterrestrial being. Breathes - the act of living and existing. She is diving into the unknown, expressing her emotions and breathing. Join her in finding solace in the world of writing. And she hopes you will write to the universe as well.
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